If you are just tuning in, you can catch up on how we found and purchased the Montalcino house and got started on renovation planning in our past newsletters.
“Ciao Cara, ciao Stefano, come state? Quando venite?”
The messaggio vocale (voice message) came from Elena, the former owner of our Montalcino house.
Elena said people keep telling her that the terrace light is still on, so she stopped by the house to check on things.
She went on to say that she peeked into the mailbox and noticed a couple of bills, so she opened them. One was the electrical bill, and the other was for trash and recycling.
Allora, quella della spazzatura l’ho pagata, perche sono molto severi…
Elena said that she went ahead and paid the trash bill since they are very strict about late payments.
I needed to think this through.